BSN Programs in CA? HELPP



I just found out about this website and it's been a lot of help so far! I was just wondering if anyone knew which schools in CA (or in states nearby) accept students based only on the prereq GPA, rather than the overall GPA. My prereq GPA is pretty high, but my overall not so much...

It gets overwhelming looking at each school's website to find this out and was hoping someone already had a few examples :/

Here is the list of EVERY nursing program in California: Board of Registered Nursing - RN Programs

They are broken down by degree type. Each one has a link on the left.

My suggestion is to start a spreadsheet with lots of columns and get clicking.

Here is a good list of BSN programs in every state:

Four-Year Undergraduate Nursing Programs

But I get the feeling that you want a second degree program, if so, here is a list of ABSN programs by state:

Accelerated Second Degree BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) Programs

The following is my general perception about schools in CA and should be taken as a generalization only....

California is very competitive with state schools costing less, but being more competitive and placing more emphasis on GPAs. Private schools in general look less at overall GPAs but cost more and can be just as competitive, primarily because many offer a condensed time frame, like 12 months vs. 16+ months.

If you are willing to go to school out of state, you're going to probably have better luck with a lower overall GPA.

Fresno State chooses their students based on prereqs and TEAS scores. I got in right away with a 4.0 prereq gpa, 3.5 overall gpa, and 76% TEAS score.

Thank you! That was very helpful. Yeah, I had that general perception about CA schools also :/ I prefer not to, but I'm willing to go out of state if I can just get into a program. I was interested in the U of Washington ABSN program, since I heard that they focus more on the prereqs. Hopefully they do!

Yeah I heard that about Fresno also! That would actually be great for me since I have family there but I couldn't find an ABSN program on their website which is what I'm looking for :( I thought they offered it, but I guess not?

There is an ELM program currently in progress. But, according to Fresno's website, they're no longer accepting applications right now due to a shortage of nursing faculty.

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