
Anybody out there accepted to Baptist school of health professions summer 2014 RN program???

Hi all! I applied for Fall of 2015 as well. Super nervous. Does anyone know the difference between the two deadlines? Ive taken and passed my TEAS and done the application..I'm just waiting to finish AnP II for my transcripts. I e mailed the advisory today to see if she could tell me the average TEAS scores for the program. I'm kind of worried mine isn't going to be high enough. :/

I also emailed Rebecca and she said the same: They are looking for scores that exceed the minimum requirement.

With that said, I got an overall of 71, but I'm afraid that's not good enough. Technically I have exceed the recommend amount, but I doubt it's good enough. I'm very surprised they can't give an average, or seems like that's an important factor to know. As far as the difference in deadlines, not sure of one is favored over the other... Good question.

if you don't mind, what was your score? I've read in other threads that a 75+ will get you in. Personally, I know someone who got in with a 75

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

I know, I wish they could give us stats like UTHSCA would be helpful. I took it last Saturday and got a 74.9. :/ That stupid math section! If the GPA that they calculate is only AnP I and II and Micro then I have 2 A's and a B. So idk! I wont send in my transcripts till after this spring hopefully by next week or so.

Those stats seem decent. Unfortunately I have 2 Bs and 1 A. I have completed all my BSN prerequisites and have a cumulative of a 3.7 and math/science of 3.8, the only Bs I have are anatomy and physiology. I'm hoping to get in the 80s this next go around, we shall a see! I also applied to UTHSCSA but I doubt I'll get in with that teas score.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Oh your gpa is almost perfect I'm sure that'll help out a lot. I stalk the other forums and there's been people who were accepted to UTHSCA with low 70s TEAS. So cross your fingers! Ill be done with all of my basics come fall so I have to wait till fall of 2016 to apply to the health science center. Hopefully I get in somewhere by then!

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Also, if you add all of the minimum requirements up and average that out..if I'm doing it right it comes out with a minimum average of a 58 to just apply. I would think that, that would be really low and a TEAS in the 70's would be somewhat decent. Or maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better lol.

It's a 58.7 so 59....still I wonder what the average is. Ugh, can't believe they won't tell us. Either way, I'm already rescheduled. :p

Honestly, your teas score seems competitive. I know it's a fee weeks from now, but I'll update with my new score ASAP.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Sounds great! 😊😊

I'll probably end up retesting sometime in November during the fall cycle for UTHSCA.

The end of June can't come soon enough!

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

@addy88 so the advisor just e mailed me back and she said they do NOT look at the overall composite I'm assuming they look at each individual score?

Thanks, I already knew that, which is why they have the minimum scores. I'm sure you're score is good enough!

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