Published Jun 17, 2006
wee one rn
41 Posts
hello all, i was just wondering if any of you have ever seen a broviac placed in the leg? the catheter itself inserts just above the knee on the inside of the leg. it works perfectly, but i'm new to the nicu and i haven't seen one anywhere except the chest so i figured i'd poll those with the experience that i hope to have one day. thanks!
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
I have never seen that! I didn't think the catheter was long enough to do that.
I have seen PCVC/PICC lines in the leg, of course, and sometimes we'll have anesthesia come up and place a femoral line in the leg - but not a Broviac...
BittyBabyGrower, MSN, RN
1,823 Posts
I was going to say the same thing...are you sure it isn't a PICC line...we place those there many times. A broviac would be way too tight of a fit to get up that leg vessel. We use fems every so often also.
344 Posts
Those broviac catheters are pretty big.....I would think it would totally occlude the vessel.
Maybe it is a longer, smaller catheter. Hmm. I also cant imagine that it is anchored very that balloon thing that is under the skin on the chest (not sure the name of it.)
thanks for the responses! i'm sure it's a broviac, i'm used to fem lines and piccs in the leg and this is the usual broviac white catheter. the explanation that i got was that mom was concerned about a scar so the surgeon placed it in the leg to help hide/blend in any scar that it might leave after removal. when this kiddo was being brought back from the or, the surgeons were pretty excited about this new placement and how they might continue to do it this way. fortunately, even though it's above the knee, it's much lower in the leg than a femline, and thinking strictly about the scarring issue this placement is a good idea, but i wonder if surgeons think about what happens when this kid has a 'blowout' lol
bbb and lmj- that is a good point about occluding the vessel, this is a decent sized kiddo, but what if they try this again in someone smaller? many of our kids are getting broviacs because of something along the lines of poor access and/or failed piccs, are we now going to start putting them through multiple broviac placement attempts also? i'll let you know if i see any more or if someone can answer the question about vessel and catheter size.
898 Posts
I have a home health peds patient with a Broviac in the groin.
Not the best place for a child (2 years) who is in diapers..we work very hard to keep her dry and clean!!
I have a home health peds patient with a Broviac in the groin. Not the best place for a child (2 years) who is in diapers..we work very hard to keep her dry and clean!!
Sounds like a task!!!
She didn't want a scar....ya know, sometimes you have to get your priorities straight. I'd be afraid it would dislodge if she gets really active and starts kicking and winds her toes up in it. Is there an anchor in it, in the SQ? Ours are always in the chest. Where does the tip lie? That is way too wierd LOL
Lol..yes it is!
It is such a horrible place for this kiddo!!
She also loves her baths and going in the water - and now thats out of the question! Mom was so upset that they placed it there, and I completely understand why!