BRN website will NOT let me pay application fees/can't reach them by phone

U.S.A. California



I've been trying to submit my online initial NP Furnishing application for 2 weeks:  the website will NOT LOAD THE PAYMENT PAGE, when I hit the "proceed to payment" tab, the payment page never loads and instead the application is submitted, of course only to be rejected due to non-payment. 

I've tried 5 times on different computers, different operating systems, web browsers etc--crazy thing is when I submitted my NP license application online, I had no problems at all.  I've tried calling the CA BRN, which is impossible, queue is full by 815am w/no option for call backs/holds. Of course, no one has replied to my emails asking for help.

Anybody else having/had this problem?  I am considering driving out to Sacramento to see if I can resolve this in person, anybody have experience with this?  Is it possible to get help in person? 

Stuck in a Kafka-esque maze of bureaucracy.........HELP!

Caroline Mccall said:

Gee, wouldn't it be helpful if the CA BRN could at least post an update to their website re: the new NPF app process?!?!

I spent about 3 weeks pulling my hair out over this, submitted 5-6 NPF apps online, never got anyone to answer the phones at BRN (by 801 am that queue was full for the day).......just ridiculous.

Were you able to finally get a furnishing license? 

I am presently having this same issue. The BRN has been anything but efficient, empathetic, or helpful with this matter. I've encountered multiple issues with this process. 

1) They sat on my transcripts for months until I finally called them, was placed on hold for 15 minutes, only to have the assistant come back on the line and say "your transcripts are here." I was given my license the next day.

2) Despite receiving my license number, my furnishing number has yet to be received despite applying for a furnishing number at the same time as my initial license. 

3) My RN license is due October 31st this year. I received my NP license 8/1, renewed my RN license 8/2, and am being told that I now have to renew my license, which I just received, at the same time as my RN license.

The BRN is a prime example of a Californian bureaucratic department that has far too much control over the lives of nurses. IMO, they serve only to yield revenue for the state and fail to serve the interests of the nurses. Like many areas of this state, a major overhaul of this department is greatly needed.

Sorry, one thing I want to add is that you can contact the BRN at the phone number (916)322-3350. You will not get through initially, but leave your call back number and they will eventually contact you. If you're like me and screen your phone calls (d/t constant telemarketing annoyance), be sure to keep an eye out for "Mary Dicou." I'm unsure who Mary is, but it's the name attached to the number they use to return your call. They may not call you back for hours, but you will receive a call back at some point. Good luck, everyone.

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