
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I got all my books today. All 8 new books and 1 used book for a total of $534.50. :crying2: I started reading Clinical Calculations. These books are so heavy. I was glad I took my boyfriend with me because my rolling bookbag wasn't enough. How much is everyone spending? Classes start Aug. 15th.

I was also wondering if there is a website where you can get books for discount prices. is a start. I sell alot of my books on there. Also students at your school put up flyers trying to sell their books. I find that is cheaper.

I was originally in Section 11, but we already lost enough people for them to cut that section and spread those of us who were in it to other ones...hence how I ended up in Section 8. I'll be in Huntersville for morning clinicals. A lot of people were complaining about how far it was, but I'm from Lincolnton and it's no further for me than going to Charlotte. Commuting to Matthews could be difficult, though. At least most people who live in Matthews commute to Charlotte instead of the other way around, so maybe traffic won't be at its worst on your way there.

Still, the commute for either clinical is going to be hard for students who are parents. My own son isn't with me on Thursday and Friday mornings. I don't know how I'd work it out if he was. I'll already be getting up at 5:30 to get there on time.

Oh, let's don't talk about kids. I have 3 - ages 10, 6, 3 :uhoh3: . I'm also divorced, but luckily I have a great guy now; however, he works 3rd. My older 2 kids school starts at 7:30AM they can be there by 6:45AM. I figure if they take the bus maybe it'll come by 6:15AM. My baby will be in Pre-K. School starts at 8AM. Daycare doesn't open till 7AM. So what about me driving to Matthews. Funny thing is that I do believe God has laid out my path and opens doors. My child's daycare teacher for the 3yr olds just moved around the corner from me on the same street. I asked her if I can drop him off to her on those Thurs & Fri and she said sure. they will put him on the bus there. Now tell me God isn't good. My mom lives close but she recently discovered she has breast cancer and starts her first treatment Aug. 16th. I don't want to count on her so much.

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