Published Aug 2, 2010
8 Posts
i'm a newly hired rn.. i was wondering if there are any books for nurses which can be helpful for new rn's in the job for the 1st time?
PatMac10,RN, RN
1 Article; 1,164 Posts
150 Tips and tricks for new nurses
985 Posts
I found the Med/Surg RN NOTES (pocket sized) to be generally helpful with things like labs, exams, specific assessments issues and etc.
What kind of job have you been hired for?
46 Posts
What area of nursing do you plan on working in? I remember when I got out of nursing school I bought so many books and didn’t use any of them. Choose books that interest your area of interest. If you work on a cardiology floor then select books that may help your understand your patients better. One book I think every nurse young and old should have is a Diagnostic and Laboratory reference. I would say most nurses don’t even know what the lab test or diagnostic test mean. This is one of the books and it has high Amazon ratings. Mosbys Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests (9780323057479): Kathleen Deska Pagana PhD RN, Timothy J. Pagana MD FACS: Books
Maria Lenore,RN
78 Posts
Med Surg and NANDA