Published Apr 17, 2015
565 Posts
I know this is a bit of a long shot, but there's a huge opprotunity in front of me at my hospital. Where they're getting incredibly serious about cutting cost and reducing the price of implants usage etc.
Does anyone know of any books out there I can get to educate myself on the topic? Specifically something that caters directly to the operating room and how to save money on usage
I already have a ton of stuff on lean, six sigma all that kind of crap. But I'm really trying to get my foot in the door and be a leader on this cost cutting initiative. I'm sort of in a position where I'm heavily involved with the biggest (and most expensive) service in my OR and I'm close with the surgeons who I know are really trying to reduce waste and cost.
So if there's any resources books etc out there Id love the opportunity to utilize them. Hope I can make the most of my opprotunity, and thanks for any guidance!
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,935 Posts
A bit on the pricey side, but here's an AORN webinar series: Supply Chain Management in the OR Webinar Series : Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
And some general leadership resources, with a section on finance: