So, I was schedule to work an extra shift at a bonus of $250.00. I noticed on the upcoming assignment sheet that my name was written out to the side and another nurse was in my place. When I asked HR about it, I got this response:
I have someone willing to work that shift for bonus of $100 and cannot justify the higher bonus of $250. I have spoken to __________ in regards to this and from a financial standpoint, we cannot pay the higher bonus when someone is willing to work for the lesser amount. She has to get approval for these bonuses and we cannot justify paying the higher bonus. If you are willing to work for the bonus of $100 as originally planned, you will be able to keep the shift. We try to only call off nurses when census does not justify the amount of nurses.
I was not notified of this in advance. Is it ok/legal to revoke a scheduled bonus shift and give it to someone willing to work for less money?!