BON or Nursys in NJ

Nurses General Nursing


Do these web sites display everything to anyone using them at all times?

Or does the person using them have to be a later to get clearance to view everything such as complaints or an investigation?

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

If there is a matter of public record such as a conviction there are links to the case information.

Wondering if look on Nusys will it show any complaints or investigations on a person's nursing license for the nurse to check on?

You can Look yourself up and see.

Asked one person was told that only people who deal with legal matters like lawers get codes on the Nursys web site to find out about stipulations on a nursing license. If a nurse goes to the website that person can not find anything going on with his or her nursing license because of not having any access to these special codes.??????????????

5 hours ago, Eph said:


I don’t know if you’re being snotty when you say this but any convictions or disciplinary action is public record. That’s all the help I can provide.

youre welcome

I am very sorry

I was not trying to be mean

6 minutes ago, Eph said:

I am very sorry

I was not trying to be mean

Okay no worries. Hard to tell via text. I would still look yourself up anyway. It wouldn’t hurt. I don’t know kind of complaint/investigation you are concerned about. Good luck though.

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