Board review


Hi, I am looking for some insight. I got a dui 15 years ago when i was young and dumb, well its coming back to haunt me. I passed nclex June 22, 2017 and am waiting while my application is under review. I have called and was told this can take 6-8 weeks. I am prohibited from practicing until i have a license so i might get fired from my first nursing job if this doesnt get figured out soon. Does anyone know how long the process really is. I sent all the info to continental so the bon has all the records and my letter stating what happened.

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

Moved to Licensure with a Criminal History.

I hope you find out soon, and are are able to keep your first job.

this is what the texas BON says

Driving W hile Intoxicated,

Driving W hile Intoxicated x 2,

Driving W hile Intoxicated x 3.

Offenses Against Public Health,

Safety, and M orals that indicate a

possible issue with substance

abuse or chemical dependency

which m ay affect the nurse's

ability to safely perform his/her

duties and/or threaten public


F, M 49.09

If felony, then

Deny/R evoke/

Suspend. A

suspension m ay be

enforced or probated.

In order to be

eligible for a

probated suspension,

an individual m ust

provide verifiable

evidence of


completion of

treatm ent, 12

consecutive months

of sobriety, and


completion of at least

one year of felony

For felony or m isdemeanor,

im pose discipline/issue license

with stipulations. In order to be

eligible for a stipulated license,

an individual m ust provide

verifiable evidence of successful

completion of treatment, 12

consecutive months of sobriety,

and successful com pletion of at

least one year of felony

probation. A license m ay be

suspended or denied until, at a

m inimum, an individual is able

to provide such evidence.

An individual m ay be eligible

for a peer assistance program if

not on felony probation.

Nurses who are chemically dependent or who

abuse drugs or alcohol and whose judgm ent may

be im paired while caring for patients are at risk

for harming patients and/or the public and

dem onstrate a potential inability to practice

nursing with reasonable skill and safety.

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