Board of Nursing NCLEX application proces



I will be graduating in December from a BSN program. YAY!!! On average how long does it take to receive clearance from the Board of Nursing to take the NCLEX? Essentially, how long after one graduates does it take to actually sit the NCLEX in this state?

Thank You

get all p/w in quickly... then sign up online at pearson vue.......... they will be sending you your ATT........ authorization to test......... the golden ticket... lol once you have that back online to sign up. it was pretty quick, within a cpl weeks i think. good luck

If you studied internationally, then they will require that you take the CGFNS. but if you graduated in the US then pretty fast and simple. just go to their website and fill out the application form

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If you studied internationally, then they will require that you take the CGFNS. but if you graduated in the US then pretty fast and simple. just go to their website and fill out the application form

What do you mean by take CGFNS? CGFNS offer different services and only a small handful now require the CGFNS exam, most just go for CES with CGFNS which is just a transcript/course evaluation. A lot of states also accept other evaluation companies not just CGFNS

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