Published Aug 5, 2007
61 Posts
What do you feel is the most important aspects of Biology? How does it apply to the other classes that we have to take.
I am not asking because I am lazy. In fact, I am just really excited aout finally working towards my dream. I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't think of anything other than school. Books aren't here yet, so I can't read ahead.... So I sit and fixate reading all the messages on this board. Anyone else as obsessive compulsive as me?
151 Posts
As far as nursing school, biology is mostly carried on to other classes on a celluar level. You will take the cell structure with you to anatomy and microbiology, and add to it even more info. You will briefly learn about chemistry, how to use a microscope, and predict gene trait outcomes. It really is a basic science class but you will take that info further in future classes.
1,194 Posts
I agree...the cell structure has been the main thing I have seen in each biology class I have taken (A&P & Micro). Definitely a good thing to have down and know! Best of luck!
1,051 Posts
There are a few concepts that you will see over and over and the other sciences build on them. If you learn them now it will make it much easier.
Properties of water
miosis and mitosis /cell divison
Cell struture
Protein synthesis
Structure and replication of DNA
Energy releasing pathways
You will see these again in both A&P's and micro.