Published Feb 22, 2018
14 Posts
Has anyone taken bio 201 entirely online at Phoenix college?
I'm looking to enroll for it and complete it quickly since it's the only prerequisite left for me to apply for nursing school. I'm currently a stay at home mom with a tiny little one so I plan to do it online, since I have no help at home. I thought Rio was my only option but then I read so many negative reviews about taking it there. Someone recommended PC so I want to know how different it is at PC from Rio salado. Are there any in person exams at PC as well? Which Professor is the best one? Do I have to memorize the text book to pass,like they say it is with Rio? What was the whole experience like? I know these are so many questions but I'm really anxious and basically any and every information in order to get an awesome grade in the course will be extremely appreciated. Thanks
75 Posts
I failed a Chemistry class at Rio and therefore am going to try taking BIO/201 at Phoenix college. I retook Chemistry in person and passed with a B. Rio is extremely difficult! I too have read PCC is more manageable. I also have two small children at home so online is preferable as my husband and I both work and care for them. I can't really answer all your questions as I don't start my course until August, but I would love to hear how you do.
Hey! Thanks for responding. I'll also be taking it in August! Which instructor did you choose and why? (Feel free to pm me or give me their initials) We might be in the same class :-)).
First name starts with (MODERATOR EDIT OF INITIAL), Not sure how to private message! I chose her randomly! I start August 20th. How old is your little one? We might be taking our entrance exam at the exact same time, which college are you applying at? I'm shooting for Chandler Gilbert and Gateway.
Oh! we are in the same class. Awesome! My LO is 6months. I was just looking to get into colleges real closest to home. So I was considering Chandler -Gilbert too but it turns out their nursing division is on the Williams campus. I live just a few miles from the Pecos campus. Anyway, my other choices are Mesa and Gateway. About the entrance exam, do you mean the HESI? I already took that last year with the hopes of transferring some of my previous academic credits so that I could quickly put in my application but it didn't go as planned. Looks like I'm not able to send pms yet either. Maybe you could send me an email. Would love to chat some more. Did you take chemistry at PC? How was it like? How old are your little ones.
Wow what a small world! Yes the Hesi I thought I I had to finish Bio/201 to take that so i will take it in December or January at the latest then do bio/202 and bio/205 while on the waitlist. I retook Chemistry and passed with a B at Chandler Gilbert! So much easier. I live on chandler Blvd and Dobson so I feel chandler would be closer than gateway but we will see. Sounds like I give them my three best options and they place me wherever I fit.. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old... I'm 26, my husband is an EMT/BHT and I'm a hairstylist. Here's my email, email anytime! [email protected]
11 Posts
Are you taking Bio201 online at Phoenix college? I'm just wondering because i also chose to do it online.
Hey Dahliadiaz,
Yes, I am. Good luck to both of us.
21 Posts
How did it go at Phoenix College online? I am signing up for BIO 201 there in the Spring. I also have to do it online because I work F/T and have a daughter. Thanks in advance!