Best Tech Floor for ICU GN Residency


  1. Which position should I choose?

    • Med/Tele Unit
    • 0
      Medicine Unit
    • 0
    • Doesn't matter. Any experience is good experience!

3 members have participated

Hey y'all!

I have the opportunity to choose between 3 different units (WOW, I'm still excited!) to work as a nurse tech. My main goal is to get into an ICU residency program after I graduate (different hospital than the tech options), so I need some help in deciding on which unit. My options are med/tele, medicine, and the OR. I was quite surprised to hear back from the OR because I went into the interview for a cardiology position. Would any unit be better than the other in regards to my chances of getting an ICU residency position? I'm leaning towards the OR because I loved that clinical rotation, but I'm not sure if that counts for the real floor experience that the other units might offer. I told HR I'd give them an answer on Monday... HELP!

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

MedSurg/Tele would be the closest 'match' to the typical ICU population- if that's what you're after. OR is in a world of its own - very little in common with ICU unless you would also be working with PACU.

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