Published Nov 3, 2005
2 Posts
Yes I am neww here and was wondering what was the best school for nursing in North Carolina
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to
Glad you joined the family. Enjoy the forums.
I can move your thread to the NC forum for possibly a better response if you like.
that would be great thank you
I hope you can get some responses now
Oh, and , you are welcome.:Melody:
102 Posts
Hi scooter5737,
Welcome to the NC forum again.. What kind of school are you looking for? RN, LPN, etc..? There are several good nursing programs throughout NC from the beach to Charlotte, it depends on your needs.. There has a lot of discussion recently on schools in Charlotte (like Presbyterian, CCHS, etc.) and Eastern NC.. I'm sure if we have some more specific info someone can help!
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
As a previous poster said, what is "best" depends on what your needs are. The "best" school for one person might be the "worst" program for someone else.
1. Are you looking for the most inexpensive program?
2. Do you already have a BS or BA and are looking for a 2nd degree program?
3. Are you looking for a 4-year BSN program or a 2-year ADN program?
4. Are you looking for the most rigorous, academically challenging program?
5. Are you looking for a nurturing environment?
6. Do you prefer big classes or small ones?
7. Does the geographic location matter to you?
8. Are you planning to continue on to graduate school?
9. Are you interested in a particular specialty of type of nursing?
etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps if you could clarify what your needs are and what criteria are most important to you, other people could give you some information that might help.
17 Posts
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)
112 Posts
Hi Scooter, Welcome,
I guess it would also depend on where you are located in NC. West, East Piedmont area? I live in the mountains of NC, and am attending a great nsg program at the local community college. It's tough to get into, and there is alot of travel involved the 2nd year. We are in a program that includes 3 schools scatteres in 3 different counties. That will make it a little more difficult for those of us who are futher away(1 1/2 hrs. away) but I know in the end it will be worth it. There are alot more options the closer you get to the piedmont and coastal areas, pretty limited in the mtns., althoug there are 4 yr colleges scattered around here that offer Nsg degrees. Like I said in the beginning, it really depends on where you are located, or where you are willing to travel to! Good luck, hope you find a good one. :)