Best Psych/CD nursing facilities in AZ


Any opinions on the best places to work in psych/CD nursing in AZ? Am looking at Pheonix, Mesa, and Tucson areas. Also, best agencies for getting psych/CD work for RNs in above areas? Thank you very much!

Specializes in psych, medical, drug rehab.

I would be interested in any responses as well. Trying to revive this:)

Try Trustaff, or google agencies in Arizona, that's what I have done when trying to find jobs in certain states, or google "Psych RN jobs" in the state you are interested in. Fawnsternurse, please pm me, I'd like to talk 2 U re: NC traveling and what I've heard.

Thanks for your response, will try this. What about assignments in NC?

Aurora Behavioral Health is hiring.

Thank you for the info! Is this a good system to work at ? How is the pay there, I wonder? Am looking at relocation, and excited to get back to my main specialty. Looks like there a quite a few openings in Phoenix for RNs? Thanks again!:coollook:

Specializes in Psychiatry and addictions.
Aurora Behavioral Health is hiring.

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT take a chance with your license. There is a reason they are hiring. I work for a really good registry and every nurse I met was sent there and wil NOT go back. Pt care is OK only bc of amazing techs. The campus I was at was on their last chance inspection w CMS. We stayed a night on the weekend nights to make sure stuff was neat and "in order". That included signing other ppl's name. Made a stink and keys were taken away, walked off campus next weekday. May have been isolated incident. But talked to one of the guys that did state inspections. They knew what was going on but were missing a tiny bit of info needed to bust them.

Equipment was non existent too. When a very suicidal young girl is MIA it stinks to have no working radios and just a mini maglite to look up in the trees and check if she was hanging. She was in the ceiling, Grrrr. Told her she should enroll in advanced ninja training. :banghead:

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