Best places to work in Austin, TX


Hey there,

I will be moving to Austin soon and am wondering where I should apply. I will have about 2 years experience under my belt. I know to expect a pretty big pay cut (coming from Oregon) but I am wondering where the good hospitals/clinics to work are. What are your favorite places and why?

Thanks everyone!

Specializes in Critical Care.

Tell me the the job hunt goes. Austin is a popular Texas city located in the hill country. Nice and arid weather, limited humidity. Pretty scenery - it's competitive getting a job from what I hear.

What kind of experience do you have?

I have 2 years Med-Surg experience. Mostly I am looking for a good organization to work for. I know here, in Portland, the Legacy Healthcare system is a great organization to work for. You don't feel like a number, employees are happy for the most part. I hear Providence is good as well.

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