Best pathophysiology book????


I am thinking about purchasing one. Can anyone give suggestions???


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Be careful what you buy. Some texts are simplistic and some are very detailed and difficult. I really don't know where the one above lies, but I have another text by the same authors that I know is a very complicated text: Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 3rd edition, by Kathryn L. McCance and Sue E. Huether. Unlike the text above which has only 1248 pages, this text has 1630 pages and goes into a lot of detail about the phsysiology of diseases. Nothing is listed out. It is all pretty much straight out text.

If you are looking for something that is more of a reference and gives you basic pathophysiology along with causes, a lists of signs and symptoms, complications, how the condition is diagnosed, it's medical treatment, nursing considerations and some interventions then check out Pathophysiology: A 2-in-1 Reference for Nurses. There are 3 other books in this 2-in-1 series: Assessment, Signs & Symptoms and Pharmacology.

For online pathophysiology information for professionals, use Family Practice Notebook and eMedicine (which is now owned by WebMD).

That first book mentioned by Huether is not a good one. Every body system has chapter on normal function and then a couple on altered function. The normal function chapters explained all of the same concepts as my anatomy book but in a very unclear and abstract way. I went back to my anatomy book for those chapters. The text was boring, dead, and needed some editing.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.....I love the Huether book.

I found it very clearly written and detailed, in a good in it does actually answer how things happen. I have two or three different A&P books, but they are generally to simplistic, the Huether book breaks topics down and really explains them, in depth.



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