Best online postmasters FNP certificate


I am looking for a quality online postmasters certificate for FNP. I have my MSN-Nurse Anesthesia from the University of Cincinnati and now wish to get my FNP cert. My schedule makes it impossible to attend a classroom course and UC's is not online. I wish to do a program in which I can complete in one year (meaning start in August/September and finish in May/June). Any experiences, good and bad, would be appreciated.


Specializes in Emergency.

I had a really hard time finding an online FNP post-grad program...I just decided to go to a classroom program....I'll be interested to see any responses.

I second the recommendation to apply to the Frontier School. It's an exceptional program that emphasized studying in your own community - they have the online tools to make it a good experience and the professors are great. I'm a student there now doing an MSN and love it.

Specializes in Pain Management.

I was going to do the same but find that there are very limited schools offer online FNP program. I talked to many people about this, and the conclusion is that it is difficult to offer a high quality nursing program without participation in the classrooms. I heard that some hospital will even NOT hire you if you do online FNP. Be careful! Before you apply, talk to HR in as many hospitals as possible. You want the program to fit your schedule, but also don't want to waste your money and time.

Frontier is rated 14th in the nation in the top 50 FNP schools. I am just finishing and can tell you this is an excellent education. No hospital had any problem hiring a Frontier grad. It is a rigorous program and prepares you well. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them if I can.

Wish you all the best,


Hello Berkshire1995,

Where did you get the rankings for top 50 FNP programs because I am interested in a post masters FNP program also but I am having difficulty securing one that is not going to cost over 25000 to complete. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Specializes in Nursing Education, ICU (Cardiac surgery).

hello berkshire1995,

where did you get the rankings for top 50 FNP programs because i am interested in a post masters fnp program also but i am having difficulty securing one that is not going to cost over 25000 to complete. any help will be appreciated. thanks


you can find school rankings in this site:

i'm also searching for a school to apply for post master's fnp program.however, i'm an international nurse and i'm reviewing "" to gather som information about that.i'm still wondering whether school ranking will be important to find job as a np?


I know Duke has an online FNP but I'm not positive they offer the postmasters one online. I can't imagine why they wouldn't since they do offer the postmasters specialty. Why do you want to switch from CRNA....just curious.

I would say that going to a good school is more important that the online/not online component. I'm doing the Adult NP program at UAB, and it's the #10 adult NP program in the country (Vanderbilt is #11). It's a mostly online program with clinicals done in your home area, and a couple visits to campus for various things.

The degree doesn't say UAB says UAB. Your future employer does not need to know that you took didactic classes at home in your underwear at 2am.

Specializes in Hospital and Outpatient.

University of St. Francis has an online post masters FNP.

Specializes in Psych, Geriatrics.

I think Vanderbilt's can be done in a year. But it's over 25,000

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