Bergen Community 2016 Fall Nursing

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello has anyone else taken the hesi exam to get into the 2016 fall nursing program for bergen community college?

Yes, pretty much the panel was as brutally honest as they can be. Does anyone know what tomorrow's orientation entails?

So can anyone see anything on Moodle yet? Nothing comes up on mine: no schedule, no courses, nothing. I'm worried it's because I changed my last name and it hasn't made the connection.

I don't see anything. Think it's still early.

My July class just came onto Moodle the other day, so I wouldn't worry yet.

I have my schedule for Sep. Since may.

yes that is in webadvisor, you see it in moodle too?

Does anyone know if it's possible to order the uniforms from Belle Uniforms without actually going to the store? I know they say they fit you there but I don't believe that includes alterations or anything and I already know my size.

Yes, just call them. They are very helpful.

Congratulations to you all! I am a recent grad RN from BCC and can attest you all have made the right choice! Hardest program that truly prepares you for NCLEX! If anyone needs books I will be dropping some off with Prof. Singletary in the nursing lab by next week. Best of luck to you all!

Thanks! Best of luck to you. Have you found a job yet or are you continuing with school for your BSN? Any level one books or are you talking more NCLEX prep books?

Not yet and yes I'm continuing for my BSN. These are all nclex books and comprehensive reviews, tbh I only purchased the fundamentals text and stuck with these type of books and did very well. I wouldn't waste a ton of money if you don't need to. Also I suggest everyone download the stat ref app we get many textbooks on there for free through BCC- for example the nutrition book, drug guide, careplan books, etc plus the lippincott videos on procedures. All very convenient during clinical to have at your fingertips.

If anyone was interested in the books, I dropped them off yesterday.

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