Bellarmine May 2021

U.S.A. Kentucky


Hello all, 

I just got an email with an acceptance to the Bellarmine May 2021 cohort! I wanted some advice from those who have attended or will also be attending the school this year! I am from NYC and I have my Bachelors degree from a few years back. I am hesitant because I was reading some reviews about the nursing school (some good and some bad). Is there anyone else from the east cost planning on attending Bellarmine? Is there any advice anyone can provide from either previously attending or currently attending this school? I was accepted "conditionally" and it required me to take a CNA course, but that would cost me money for the course- I don't know what to do as I am worried about spending this money and spending more for the nursing school!! Please feel free to leave any comments, I appreciate you guys! 

On 2/1/2021 at 4:59 PM, maplesyrup95 said:

OMG that's exactly what happened to me! I applied to so many masters entry programs and didn't get in. I decided to apply to Bellarmine last Sunday and I got accepted this past Thursday LOL it threw me off a bit how fast they got back with a decision. 

That not fair! How will you know if you can practice there. I am going to CA RN office tomorrow to see if they could tell me anything but I feel like they will say the same thing to me.

Yeah I have to take the CNA course too. ? 

At least we have the first 3 months free so that's good!

Hello , I am trying to find out I anyone found the answer for working in California and New York? I am from california just accepted into the 12 month Bellarmine program but I don't see anything confirming or denying if students had problems working in California after passing the NCLEX.


after passing the NCLEX can we work in California?

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