Believe I Just Failed My Nursing Program... Don't Know What To Do


Hi everyone,

This past year has been extremely mentally hard on me & I need some advice... because I truly am at loss. In my senior year of my BSN nursing program, I just got an email yesterday that I failed a course (Its a course that has no finals, just short quizzes and papers). Now I have to meet with the director of the program Tuesday afternoon (right before actual finals start). I already know what the meeting is going to be about. She's going to explain I cannot continue the program because I didn't pass that one class due to missing two assignments, which make me lose 20% of my grade.

I've been experiencing really bad depression due to a lot of personal issues. Within the past 3 months, my only 7 month old cat passed away, a friend passed away due to a car accident, and then I experienced a miscarriage. All these horrible events happened in this semester. Now, in my senior year, I failed out of nursing school over a class thats actually considered one of our easier courses. I haven't told anyone about this. In my culture, I wasn't ever supposed to get pregnant (I am unmarried) and I still live with my family. I feel too much shame in explaining to my professors why I am struggling so bad to focus.

I have been struggling this semester. For my other courses, I did turn papers late (Those profs accepted late work, i guess this one doesnt). I also struggled in clinical and was placed in clinical jeopardy and had to remediate... but I passed remediation fairly well.

Now I have to meet with the director of the program. I don't know if i should tell her the personal issues ive been facing. I dont think she'd care, and will just judge me (and still fail me out the program). I also have a more strict family, and once they find out I got kicked out of college well.. its not going to end good for me.

I am sorry for this really long post. I probably shouldn't have said all this and got to the point. Anyway, the point is, is it even worth to mention these negative things to the director? I personally do not believe she will bend the rules and tell my professor to accept my late work. I feel horrible, and im having a hard time to focus or keep track of deadlines.


Well, you have absolutely nothing to lose by mentioning your struggles. If you mention your difficulties AND A PLAN TO REMEDIATE, you may have a shot at repeating the course you failed.

It’s time to see your PCP to discuss your depression and to develop a plan to deal with it.

2 hours ago, beekee said:

Well, you have absolutely nothing to lose by mentioning your struggles. If you mention your difficulties AND A PLAN TO REMEDIATE, you may have a shot at repeating the course you failed.

It’s time to see your PCP to discuss your depression and to develop a plan to deal with it.

I thought about repeating... but the issue with that means I have to repeat the whole year, since in the program courses are only offered once a school year. Unfortunately, I don't have the finances to pull out another academic loan.

Seeing PCP is another thing.. As of now, I haven't seen any doctor. Along with judging, I am afraid the director might not believe me since I have no written evidence of anything that has happened.

Just giving this thread a *bump* to see if anyone else has any advice..

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