Being told a nursing career is a pipe dream

Nurses Career Support


Okay, so I have a few obstacles. I'm 43, hate math, and have to work full time. I've had sedentary jobs for twenty years and though I'm not overweight or have any known problems, I'm not in the best shape. I have anxiety issues and was treated for depression twelve years ago, but only because I had several reasons for being depressed. I have worked so hard on myself! I took a basic math class, I've had counseling, took antidepressants for half a year, took a whole semester of General Psychology so I could understand myself...resolved past issues...I took myself apart like an engine, cleaned everything and put it all back....see...good as new! I don't look at all of this as permanent barriers...but most of my family and friends do...they won't let me live any of this down. Plus, they say it's too hard to get into a program. I'm guessing I'm just going to have to show them I can do it...but I was wondering if anyone else has obstacle-busting they'd like to share so I know I'm not alone?

Specializes in ccu cardiovascular.

If you have the desire the "@$%% with everyone and just "do it"! Look 14 years ago when I told my family I wanted to be a nurse I was laughed at by my family, dh's family but I had the desire and a supportive husband that said "Go for it" I was a bit younger 34 but lived as a sahm and lived moderatley in ease. I now am working on my masters, we would not be able to afford the lifestyle we have now, we own a horsebreeding farm. Dh has been laid off a few times and you know I really don't know how we would have survived without my nursing job. Dh's family always complained of me not working and raising the kids and thought i should get a waitress job. Last year I cleared 0ver $70,000 with overtime(we get paid double time) I certainly could not have done that with a job at dennnys. Don't let anyone tell you it's a pipe dream, they are envious or maybe scared you will leave your sedentary job. Just do it! It won't be easy but it can be done!:yeah:

Thank you RN_Jane!

I have to say though, outside of my family I always get the same reaction; "'d make a great nurse" from nurses and non-nurses alike. Regardless though, and my husband and I were just discussing this; what really matters is what I believe. I've learned a lot from you guys, thank you. I may have been making a mountain out of a mole hill, I don't know; I'm only at square one.

When you're on the sidelines and you hear nursing students and nurses talk about how college and the career are so very difficult and gut-wrenching, and hear about what a stressful and major burnout career it can be, it does give one pause before they commit. -But then I also hear so many nurses talk about how rewarding and satisfying it is as they fervently cheer the profession on. I will find out which one applies to me in my situation and when it's all over I might find myself in a quiet little office...but I'll never know until I do it. Oh hey...I didn't even think about my age for once!

Through this week-long discussion here and talking with my husband, I am not concerned about naysayers anymore. I hereby declare that I CAN.:idea:

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