Being a nurse is hard

Specialties Geriatric


I am frustrated because I recommended a friend who just finished nursing school for a job where I work. She says that it is too hard and she is quitting. I really don't know where a nurse can work that it won't be hard. It makes me even wonder why people go into nursing. I love LTC. I love getting to know my residents and their families. It is a lot of work, and there are bad days, but overall I look forward to going to work every day, and even will go visit on my days off sometimes with my therapy dog. If you don't like hard work, don't go into nursing.

just because ltc wasnt for her, that doesnt mean she isnt willing to work her butt off for an area of nursing she likes. it sounds like you're being too harsh on her. I do understand being frustrated that you recommended her and it not working out. That would stink for sure since it shows the company YOUR judgement for recommending her. Or how they may view it anyway. That can be embarrassing. I do hope the girl at least showed some remorse to you since you helped her get the job

She is a new grad, with excellent grades. She didn't even stick it out a month. It took me six months when I graduated to feel like a "real" nurse. I encouraged her to stick it out, it would get easier when she got to know people and the routine. My supervisor is not upset with me at all. She said that it doesn't matter how smart you are, you need to have a special personality to stick it out in LTC. The last person I recommended has been there over a year now and it working out great. This is why I don't recommend very often.

Then simply dont recommend anyone. Its her business to decide where she wants to work. Again, you're being too harsh on her. If she KNOWS its not for her, good for her for not wasting her time. And if you're managers dont blame you, then why are you judging?

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