Been out for almost 7 years


Specializes in Geriatrics, MR/DD, Clinic.

Hello :) I'm new to allnurses and have been reading like crazy on here in different areas to hopefully help me brush up on a few areas. I've learned a lot and am thankful someone pointed me in this direction.

I have been out of work for a while. Seven years this May 2010. I decided to become a SAHM after my second son was born (I know have 4 boys :loveya: ). Anyways, due to financial and insurance reasons, I will be going back to work and hopefully (fingers crossed) nursing school. I am starting online courses to redo all my science generals, since it's been over 5 years since I did them. January 4th classes begin! I applied for an RN program here at a local CC and am hopeful to get in. I scored, what I think to be, a good school on my NLN Mobility Exam.......which was oddly similar to the nursing boards.

In April I should find out if I got into the program for 2010-2011. When I did my generals the first time around, I got A's in the science courses, but since I need to redo them (because of the 5+ year thing) I'm hoping it doesn't hurt my chances of getting in. I would prefer not to take the NLN exam again LOL! I studied hard and did well, I'm not sure I could do that well again.

I have kept my license current and my CEU's up to date and just finished making a resume. I'm hopeful to get a weekend job at a LTC or something similar. Just something to cover the bills while I redo my generals this semester. If I get into the RN program, great.....if not I'll look for full time employment until I do. But I will go back to school, just not sure if it will be this year or next.

Anyways, that is my story lol. Sorry for the long one. Anyone else been out this amount of time and went back to nursing. If so, how difficult was it for you to find employment and to get back into the groove? I do think I was a very competent and efficient nurse when I was practicing..........I'm more nervous about going through the hiring process and the disappointment that may come along with it. :o

I'm a little confused... you are already licensed but you want to go back to nursing school? What is your license?

It's not unusual to stay home for several years and then go back to work as a nurse. I stayed home with my kids for 8 years, then took a refresher course and went back to work. I was a little rusty at first but it wasn't too difficult. The refresher course was through a local hospital, which is where I applied and got hired. I'm still working there 5 years later!

Best wishes!

Specializes in Geriatrics, MR/DD, Clinic.

Yes, I'm sorry the confusion. I am a LPN right now and want to go back for my RN. I worked for a few years after I graduated, then decided to stay home and have been home since then.

Thanks for the well wishes :)

Yes, I'm sorry the confusion. I am a LPN right now and want to go back for my RN. I worked for a few years after I graduated, then decided to stay home and have been home since then.

Thanks for the well wishes :)

Got it... and good for you! It will be hard work, and an adjustment for your family, but well worth your effort. You can do it!

Specializes in Geriatrics, MR/DD, Clinic.

Thanks much, I ended up taking a PRN position at a small LTC facility. I start orientation next week and am excited yet kind of scared. I'm sure it will be a great challenge coming back into the field!

I also started 5 college courses last week, whew! I'll be busy haha ;)

Specializes in lactation.

I have been out of nursing for exactly 7 years now. I recently accepted a job at the health dept, not a bad salary either considering. :D

Congratulations on getting a job so soon after starting your search! You are doing better than a lot of people who have not stayed home for 7 years. Best of luck, both of you, on your new positions and sharpen those pencils for school!

Specializes in Geriatrics, MR/DD, Clinic.

Congrats, ThePeony! I hope it all goes well for you also :)

Caliotter, I was surprised myself but it seems like they always need part-time and PRN help in long term care. If I was looking for full-time work, it would have been very difficult. I've had a couple days of orientation and the only thing I feel off in, is charting lol. It's hard to get back in that mode of how to word things the right way. But I had a great day yesterday. Busy busy busy, just as I remember it haha!

congraulation, you are lucky one, wish you continue meet good luck

Specializes in PCU, cardiology, oncology.

Wow, you guys are lucky. I've been a SAHM for about 3 yrs, away from the hospital for 4, and am having a VERY hard time finding a job. I'm getting pretty disgusted with nursing ... I'm finding it to be not at all flexible or family friendly. I know much of this has to do with the economy, but it's getting really irritating after all these months of looking.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I am about to take the PN-RN mobility test and was wondering if there was a certain book I should be looking at or reviewing?

Specializes in Geriatrics, MR/DD, Clinic.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I am about to take the PN-RN mobility test and was wondering if there was a certain book I should be looking at or reviewing?

I'm not sure what test your talking about exactly. I took the NLN RN Nurisng mobility exam back in December. It seems they must have at least 2 different versions as I bought a book from their site to prepare (had comprehension, math, and science in it) and it was nothing like the exam I took. Which was an exam very much like your nursing boards. I'd love to help you out more, so any more information would be great!

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