Battery of a nurse in the workplace... no one will tell the truth.


I went to work for a home health care agency not long ago. To make a long story short I feel that they may be guilty of fraud on a great number of levels and since it is a company with so few "salaried" employees what happened to me was lied about even amongst witnesses of what happened. The HH nurses who do work for the company are being underpaid wages because their hours get "lost" and they are promised it will come in the next biweekly check but it never does.

I was told by the DON who was also the owner of the company that I was to be reimbersed for a few items. When I went to the main facility I asked for my personell file to make a copy of the item I had paid for I saw a forged doctors not with my name certifying that I had had some sort of exam which I have never submitted nor did i sign, but a "doctor" had signed the form saying that I had been seen. When I demanded a copy of my personell file in full due to the fake form I was grabbed violently by the arm by a male staff member and the folder was taken from me by force. The two other female employees said that he never touched me but instead that I had been yelling and swearing at him. I went to show the red marks where he had grabbed me to another RN who worked there and I was told to call the police. I began to cry and felt violated. I could not complete the phone call. The DON fired the RN who told me to report to the police what had happened to me, when she got back to the office.

No one in that office who saw that he grabbed me is telling the truth about the incedent because this small company works on lies and fraud to stay alive.

Does anyone know what I should do.

The other RN already reported the home health company to AHCA. Please help I'm just in too deep.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

What a horrible experience. Some options:

1. Police

2. Lawyer

3. Quit the job (probably the first thing)

What a horrible experience. Some options:

1. Police

2. Lawyer

3. Quit the job (probably the first thing)

Yes, and I would add:

4. Your state healthcare licensing agency

5. Your state Dept. of Labor (re: the work and pay issues)

Best wishes!

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