Baton Rouge General School of Nursing applicants 2016 class


Hi everyone,

Are there any nursing applicants for the 2016 year? Also, for those who have applied and been accepted, I have a few questions about my application. I have a 2.7 GPA with the prerequisites, I know that's not good but it was from a while ago when I was at LSU and I don't have the money to read take these classes, however I made an 87.7 on the TEAS test and I currently work for the hospital as well as I have volunteered through the hospital as well. Has anyone gotten in with a low GPA before? Any feedback would be very much appreciated. THANKS

Good luck! I will be applying for the 2017 class. I have a low gpa myself- trying to decide if I should retake something to bring it up. Wish I had applied for 2016, but did not get my application submitted in time. Hope it works out for you!

Hey Nursing lady91, I also applied for Br General's RN program for 2016. I applied last year and did not get in. I also applied to other programs. I too work in a hospital, wonder if they take that into consideration? Do you know when we should receive letters for acceptance/ denial?

Hey, have you called and asked if was too late to submit an application? My friend was able to submit an application after the deadline. But either way good luck. I know the struggle. All the pre-req classes I took were during my freshman year at LSU and I made C's in almost all of them. I was about to graduate from ldu with my biology degree but I didn't have a career waiting for me so I decided to go into nursing. I would retake the classes but I don't have the money or the time to do all that. I'm praying I am accepted for the 2016 class. Good luck to you and your endeavours.

I'm not sure when we will gear back. I'm hoping in September but other people have told me it could take as long as the end of October before we hear anything... I'm a nervous wreck...

I will cross my fingers for you both. I think they take about 40-45 students per year...Does anyone have a rough estimate on how many applications they get?

Hi nursing lady- just saw your earlier response. I have not called and asked- I really didn't even think it was an option. I will call tomorrow and ask. I graduated from lsu in 2000- and actually took all of my perquisites for this program before I graduated. I intended on going sooner... But life happens:) 15 years later- the timing is finally working out.

Hey jca2525 I totally understand! Yeah, I hope you heard some good news about your inquiry. I am the dreaded 8 years for a degree type of student... I was about to graduate from lsu but decided not to due to financial aid reasons plus I just rather get started in the nursing program. We're you able to get any feedback about applying

Hey, sorry for the lateness. I've been procrastinating. Have you heard any updates?

From what I was told around the middle or end of October we should hear from the school. Anyway I can talk to you further about all this ?

Yea sure that's fine. I talked to the secretary and she said we should hear something the second week of October via email

I decided to wait until next year. I have not taken the test yet (have not even studied)... And didn't want to jump into it without preparing first. I am also looking at the program at BRCC.

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