Published Oct 3, 2012
2 Posts
Hey everyone,
I have been Accepted to Barnes Jewish Accelerated BSN Program starting in fall of 2013 and UMSLs Accelerated BSN Program starting in either Summer 2013 or fall2013. I am NOT on the wait lists which is great. I have heard great things about both schools so I really don't know which to go with. I was hoping I could get some input as far as which you think is the better program, better teachers and facilities, better passing rates, etc. I'm looking for a good amount of info to help me try and choose between the two programs. Your input is greatly appreciated! :)
I'm sure there are people on here who know a lot about each school, anyone got anything to say?
6 Posts
Hello! I was recently accepted into the Spring 2014 cohort for Goldfarb's ABSN. I looked into UMSL, SLU's, and Barnes' accelerated programs and wound up only applying to Barnes. I visited UMSL and Goldfarb and was way more impressed with Goldfarb. The Goldfarb admissions rep was really helpful in answering all my questions, gave me a tour of the facility, and I felt like I'd have a better shot of getting into their program. The facility is amazing -- the building is brand new, and the simulation labs were pretty impressive. When I visited UMSL the admissions rep was pretty much like: this is the mathematical procedure we use to decide who gets in, these are the courses you need, you get a degree at the end. I wasn't given the opportunity to tour the Nursing building, simulation labs, or classrooms (I asked). So I didn't get to see anything.
I wound up choosing Goldfarb because in the end the two programs cost pretty similar, the facilities are much nicer (that I could see), its much closer to where I live, they require a LOT less prerequisite courses, the program is shorter, and they actually seemed like they wanted me to attend. Of course, it's possible I just visited UMSL on an off day, or talked to the wrong person, and got a totally unrepresentative impression. I can't really say anything as to which program is better. I know people who graduated from both, and they are both great nurses who are doing well. I know I didn't provide any concrete info for you! I hope others will reply who have gone through these programs.
Also, check this page to compare pass rates: Looks like Goldfarb and UMSL are pretty close.
8 Posts
:)I just received my acceptance letter from Barnes-Jewish College. I will most likely be starting in Fall 2013 since there is a waiting list for Summer 2013. I am looking forward to starting the program. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me since I have been accepted into a program.
23 Posts
I'm a current ABSN student at Goldfarb. I also chose it for the reasons that stealthkit listed above. I also was deciding between UMSL and Barnes. The programs are competitively priced, but Barnes is a bit more pricey, in addition UMSL factors books into the estimated tuition costs whereas Barnes doesn't. But I chose Barnes for it's higher NCLEX pass rates, newer state of the art simulation labs (which are now internationally accredited). Also, and this is a pretty big one, I have my master's degree from UMSL and I just could not imagine doing the drive every day back out to the UMSL campus. For me, Barnes is much closer and I like how we are truly in St. Louis city, located right on the CWE, and near several major highways. I also loved how Barnes required many less pre-reqs (so you would have to factor these extra costs into your total tuition--making the the UMSL price increase). Barnes also has a rotating schedule, w new classes starting each semester. When I looked into UMSL, they only had one start date in the summer, which would have pushed my start date back an entire year bc I would have had to RE-take Chemistry bc it has been over 10 years since I took it. Barnes doesn't require Chemistry! or Economics! Lastly, and very importantly, I chose Barnes bc of the association with Barnes Jewish Hospital--one of the best in the world!!
liljd, BSN
32 Posts
The best part about Goldfarb is the clinicals we get to do at Barnes. Other than that, most of my professors just read straight out of the powerpoints. It is tough to go through an accelerated program here when I'm from out-of-state and I am so glad I will graduate in April.