Band 7 presentation


Hi all, Could anyone please help me I need some advice and guidance. I need to do a presentation for my band 7 interview and the topic is:

" As a band 7 sister how would you ensure that quality standards and performance measures are achieved"

Thanks again

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

What are your ideas, if your ready for a band 7 you must have some ideas about quality and safety and what your role would be

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Kind of agree with XB9S, you should know this stuff. Band 7 is a management post and if you do not know it, are you ready?

I do know what they are asking but I hate doing presentation.:no:

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I am assuming it will be 5-10 minute presentation. Will you be allowed to use powerpoint? If so find or make up some slides showing your ideas, talk around them and give out a hand out at the beginning to everyone - shows preparedness. If you can't use powerpoint then hopefully you should be able to use chalkboard/whiteboard/big bit of paper. Anything to give the panel something to look at. Yes, yes, I know this is basic but it is important. Are you one of those people who get a nice bright rash at their throat when talking in public? Wear a scarf. This is all simple stuff. The real trick is knowing what they are looking for and being able to spout it out at them under pressure. Remember as a band 7 you are the leader and YOU will decide on ward/department culture so you need to get over what you will bring. Dealing with an interview panel is much simpler than dealing with some stroppy band 5 or 6.

Hi had my interview today and went well but wont know until next week as they are still interviewing until end of the week so fingers crossed. Thanks to all your support!

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