Published Oct 23, 2009
1 Post
Hi I am just wondering whether any one can help. I ahve a band 6 interview and I have to undertake a 10 minute powerpoint presentation on:
'Demonstrate through your portfolio how you fulfil the band 6 role?
Anybody any ideas?
Thank you
282 Posts
What is band 6?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Will move to the UK forum as Band 6 is part of the UK pay/grade structure
OP you may want to look for posts by Sharrie where she has some links on interviews etc
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
Ohh now that's a tough presentation title, one that gives you lots to think about.
I guess the interviewers want to know that you have professionally developed and are able to use that to help the professional development of others.
I've written quite a bit about interview technique in my blog on this site
It may help a little if you could give us some idea of the speciality and type of job your applying for.
If it's deputy ward manager, then you may need to look at clinical leadership and change management the RCN have a bit about these on their website, also do a bit of reading about clinical governance and it would be an idea to look at complaints management, mainly dealing with verbal complaints on the shop floor rather than the formal responses as a band 6 you will be called in to deal with complaints so knowing about the procedure would help.
I'd think about clinical scenarios as well, what would you do if..........................
patient deterioration,
poor performance of another member of staff
staff member turns up drunk / not fit for duty
If this is a unit your not familiar with then think about going for an informal visit, also think about what questions you may have for the manager at interview, I would expect to be asked about induction, orientation, support and educational opportunities,
Hope this all helps
other thoughts for your presentation
What have you done in the last 5 years professionally and educationally and how has this made you a better nurse, role model, clinical leader and helped to prepare you for taking on the additional duties required of a band 6
Read through the job description and if you can link your presentation into some of the elements of the job description that would be good as well.
Remember with your slides keep them in point form, they should be a visual aid rather than your script, you should know what you want to say and the slide are there to reinforce the important points
I have an interview to study a health visiting course. I am currently a band 5 RMN. I have been asked to do a presentation on 2what do you feel is the new direction for health visiting. help
The government drive is to provide appropriate care by the right staff in the appropriate environment, with a emphasis to the community services.
Prevention of disease, improved chronic disease management will all form part of the HV role so maybe think along those lines.