Published May 24, 2013
7 Posts
Hello, I attend Baker college and am looking for opinions!
I arrived to school that day at seven am sharp! However, I was waiting alone until 8:30. Which, didn't worry me because I had my part done. All my information was sent and I was trying to better memorize my lines so I didn't get points deducted. However, at 8:30 the girl who was responsible for the poster board showed up with a blank board, a pair of scissors and glue claiming that she had a rough weekend. Which I am not saying she didn't. I just have never in my experience as a college student witnessed someone who cared so little about their grades.
Anyways, our group was in a panic trying to get this board that she had said she was going to do finished in thirty minutes. I had the correct spelling pasted on the board when I had first put it on there however, my lack of 'creativity' caused the girl to take my title off and redo it to make it look more fancy.In doing so however she misspelled the word DISEASES. In the panicked state I'm sure my whole group was in since she arrived with an unfinished board no one check over her spelling job. Considering if she was unsure, she should have done so herself.
I do not think my group who did all the work and sent all the materials in advanced deserves to be punished with a low score. We are all trying to make it into the nursing program and that we had determined responsibilities prior. If she had any issues she could have told three students including myself she couldn't do the board who would have gladly stayed up all night to complete the board. She failed to do so. I don't see why we are all being penalized for that individual students lack of responsibility.
Also, I have a 3.91 GPA as of right now. All A and A-'s with the exception of a transferred which was a B in composition. The reason I posted in this section is because only Baker students or graduates of the nursing program here will know what deciding factors play into your acceptance into the program... Will this grade greatly decrease my chances of being accepted?I'm sorry but I just don't think this is right considering the hard work I had put into this class, and all my classes that someone else's abilities are holding me back....
9 Posts
UGH! I hate group work! And Baker is ALL about it! How did your final grade turn out in that class? If the overall grade was greatly impacted by that one assignment, then you can request a formal grade appeal. But that would go through the Dean (I was told ******* is gone. SAD!!!) and ******** again, so I'm not sure what good it would do. But it might be worth it if it will make a big enough difference.
I just need to say again....I hate group work!!! And these peer reviews are ridiculous, considering how competitive we need to be for this program. I understand the point behind them, but some carry way too much weight in overall grades, and sabotage between students does happen. Not cool.
33 Posts
Hello, I attend Baker college and am looking for opinions!I am in a microbiology class with ********* right now and we recently had to present with groups on diseases she assigned us. Which I was fine with, I did my part and most of my group members did theirs as well. The night before everyone in the group shared messages with one another via text and email no problems were reported and we were to meet early that day to do the poster board. I arrived to school that day at seven am sharp! However, I was waiting alone until 8:30. Which, didn't worry me because I had my part done. All my information was sent and I was trying to better memorize my lines so I didn't get points deducted. However, at 8:30 the girl who was responsible for the poster board showed up with a blank board, a pair of scissors and glue claiming that she had a rough weekend. Which I am not saying she didn't. I just have never in my experience as a college student witnessed someone who cared so little about their grades. Anyways, our group was in a panic trying to get this board that she had said she was going to do finished in thirty minutes. I had the correct spelling pasted on the board when I had first put it on there however, my lack of 'creativity' caused the girl to take my title off and redo it to make it look more fancy.In doing so however she misspelled the word DISEASES. In the panicked state I'm sure my whole group was in since she arrived with an unfinished board no one check over her spelling job. Considering if she was unsure, she should have done so herself. I do not think my group who did all the work and sent all the materials in advanced deserves to be punished with a low score. We are all trying to make it into the nursing program and that we had determined responsibilities prior. If she had any issues she could have told three students including myself she couldn't do the board who would have gladly stayed up all night to complete the board. She failed to do so. I don't see why we are all being penalized for that individual students lack of responsibility.Okay with that information....I have emailed ******* and ********. My teacher and the dean of health sciences. Nothing is being done about this issue. Should I try and take it to another dean or someone else? Or should I just accept the fact that I'm being graded based on someone else's lack of responsibility and initiative? Also, I have a 3.91 GPA as of right now. All A and A-'s with the exception of a transferred which was a B in composition. The reason I posted in this section is because only Baker students or graduates of the nursing program here will know what deciding factors play into your acceptance into the program... Will this grade greatly decrease my chances of being accepted?I'm sorry but I just don't think this is right considering the hard work I had put into this class, and all my classes that someone else's abilities are holding me back....
I agree with everything you just said but as a recent graduate of the nursing program I can tell you there will be plenty more group projects. Usually they aren't worth that much of the overall grade though. Most instructors will most likely tell you that these projects are designed for the exact reason you explained above in order to learn how to learn and deal with conflicts and setbacks in the workplace. I know that if any students were marked down in the peer review then the whole group suffered because they feel the other students didn't take steps to correct the actions of the one that was marked down.