Published Mar 12, 2014
56 Posts
Question: I am currently a travel nurse , am with several companies, have current RN clean license. My question is I do have a felony eluding on my background from a year ago. It wasn't a high speed chase
of course, but I did not pull over soon enough and they charged me with that. It is awful and I hate the fact I wasn't paying attention. Will this prevent me for applying for any further licenses or with any other agencies?
1 Article; 5,784 Posts
No, but you will have to explain in detail when applying for new state licenses and it will delay the process. Are you sure it was a felony? You almost certainly would have had to hire a lawyer and you still should if you were convicted or pled guilty. Delaying pulling over should not result in a felony conviction unless you were trying to shake the cop.
173 Posts
Just because you have a blip on your record shouldn't prevent you from getting your license. Was it actually a felony, or a misdemeanor? What you have on your record is a conviction, which yes, other than minor speeding tickets you must report. I have a wet reckless on my record (similar to a DUI but not quite a DUI), and as of yet I have had no issues getting a license endorsed to three states. It does take a little longer, and you do have to have all your paperwork sent in, which now that mine was 7 years ago it's getting harder to get certified copies from the court. I usually submit a statement with mine as well. I was young, acted incredibly irresponsibly but I learned a VERY valuable lesson and have grown from the experience. That's what they'd want to know. Just don't get into trouble while you're a nurse, or you'll lose EVERYTHING you've worked so hard for.
Thanks guys. I am a little old old to have been this stupid ( can't use the young/doumb excuse) but hopefully still have the nursing career I want.