Published Oct 11, 2005
2 Posts
Recently in class I was informed that a background check is currently not required for nursing students and individuals seeking licensure. Personally, I do not agree with this. If any one is going to be taking care of patients and handling life and death situations, I believe that their legal history should be evaluated first. If you do not agree, please let me know your reasoning.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
My school does not require this as well, but they do advise you to talk to the BON if you think you may have something on your record.
I think background checks are a wonderful thing and probably should be done, but I can also understand that if you DO have something that might prevent you from becoming a'll find out when you apply to take the exam or apply for a job.
Either way, I am sure they'll catcha ya!
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Hello, Verdana,:balloons:
I am replying, but, I definitely agree. Your program may not require background checks, but, I'll bet the BON will.
4 Posts
I personally think background checks are vital in the medical field. Besides even if someone does have something on there record, as long as they are up front about it, the BON and school should be able to decide whether or or not the situation is serious enough to allow them to practice nursing. At my school they do require background checks. There are several students in my class who are worried that their past will come to haunt them when it comes to getting their liscense. However the nursing advisors (like I said before) stated thats its always best to be honest up front about the past.
8 Posts
My school does require checks and I think it's great. What is the point in someone going to nursing school that wont be able to get a job? Every hospital i know of does background checks.
158 Posts
My nursing program and the BON both required a background check.
nursing student5364
just because the school requires a backround check does not mean they will look at it or take it into consideration. you should submit it when you apply, not after you're accepted. my university required a backround check and let me in, fully aware i had recent conviction of domestic battery. they never informed any of the hospitals about it. then one of my clinical sites did their own backround check and now my past is becoming a problem, even though my university knew about it the whole time.
however, i agree backround checks are necessary, and universities and hospitals are cracking down on who they let work in close contact with patients. hospitals are conducting backround checks on students, volunteers, as well as employees. i think soon it will be common practice.
151 Posts
My college did not require background checks many years ago. But each of the five states that I am licensed in (BON) have required Background checks, 3 of those states required fingerprinting, and now employers are requiring background checks, both state and federal. So, if you haven't cleaned up your act, it's time to. I'm very careful with drinking ETOH, I prefer to prevent problems rather than deal with one. Things are getting to be pretty tough out there in employment.