Published Feb 23, 2016
30 Posts
Hi there,
I'm returning back to school at almost 35- with an aim to get into the nursing program at my local CC.
I literally just started my pre recs- i'm a little nervous I will admit- because my original school work- the grades I got were not so hot. I have a 2.7 from my previous school- I did finish- but I do have some pretty dreadful grades. (I have a learning difference and was pretty stinking foolish as far as actually doing the work and staying on top of assignments)
I am currently doing well in the bio class I'm taking but since my original BA is in nothing related to nursing or science or math in the slightest this is all completely new territory, vocabulary and thinking processes for me.
However that was way back in 2003. So I am hoping, that if I bust my tail, and get straight A's, I won't have any trouble getting into and graduating the RN program- and from there, a BSN- i'm considering the Saint Mary's of Winona online program - has anyone done that one- thoughts? opinions?
My CC has said they don't look so much at the GPA from my previous school because its over 10 years ago, but the current GPA they do. But they will also take transfer credits above a "C". So at least that works in my favor! (that and they're counting my stats classes from my BA for math- YESSSSSS)
I've got 3 kids, one of whom has special needs, and at least 2 of the 3 have severe food allergies all of which is what is inspiring me to go down this path.
Any tips for someone who is not coming from a science background but is determined to succeed? Are there any classes that may not come up as pre requisites through the school but might assist me in the long run? - There's a medical terminology class that is not required but available, and I was thinking that one I may take. I am OK with this taking longer timewise as long as I do well, get good grades and learn the material well. I would rather take a few classes that are "extra" but that help me ultimately understand the material and concepts for nursing more thoroughly than just skate through.
237 Posts
I am new to the boards and also the pre nursing process. I am currently taking AP1 and Lifespan Psych.
Like you, I am completely new to science (I'm a BS in Business Admin and currently a financial analyst). I was VERY worried about it.
My experience has actually been really positive. I can't speak to the difficulties of children (go you, by the way!) and school, however I am working more than full time at my current job. I was worried about finding time to study. So far, however, I have made all A's in my exams!
A few tips:
*Get a planner. Even if you are just taking a few classes at a time, give yourself a task each day and meet it. I put personal activities in my planner as well (we all need balance), and this way I can try and "get ahead" if I want to take a day or two off. It helps me pace myself before exam weeks. As a first time college student, I tended to cram. I did well, but I was freakin stressed! You don't have time for that with kids! Getting a cute planner helps.
*Don't get frustrated if it seems like reading a whole new language. AP has been difficult for me, but not impossible. It's a lot of repetition. It is nothing like my psych classes where things automatically "make sense". You will not remember EVERYTHING, and that's OK, don't get frustrated. Study bits and pieces every day, even if it's only for 30 minutes or an hour. Do what you can with the time you have. I find breaking up studying over the day really helps me with not getting frustrated. If I wake up early, I may review my lecture notes as I eat my breakfast. I might do this again around lunch and a few times when I get home.
*I take online classes for all pre reqs, so watching you tube lectures from other profs has REALLY helped me learn. My prof is very "by the book", so I definitely benefit from watching lectures.
*Take advantage of the internet. Just like youtube, there are lots of pre made chapter outlines online. As a full time worker, I spent SO much time writing out outlines (my prof doesnt provide them at all) until I finally found some on google I could just add to.
*Figure out your learning style. Just because someone needs to write something out 100 times to learn doesn't mean it's the best style for you. I need to be physically active to learn, so I will often stand up and read something out loud. It works for me.
*Be patient with yourself!
In conclusion, I find that I actually take my studies more seriously now that this going to be my second time around. As an 18-21 year old, I just wanted the grades so I could graduate and get a job. At 26 (not saying I'm old, but def changed) and recently married I am MUCH more serious about making choices for my happiness in the long run and for my future children. I remind myself that these pre reqs are my priority to get the life I want, and I actually find studying much more enjoyable now.
I actually really enjoy AP so far. It's so cool learning about the human body. I am learning so much.
216 Posts
I was like you TS. I went to Culinary School and ended up in manufacturing after I left the hospitality industry. I went back to school at age 34, and had not took a science course since 10th grade Bio, so at my CC I waved the placement test for science because I wanted to start at the lowest level to get back into the swing of it Bio 030. Now from that I did Bio 130, AP1, AP2, Micro, so just adding on the layers. I take 2-3 classes as I work close to 60 hours a week. I record all lectures, upload and listen to them during the week, flash cards (StudyBlue or Quizlet have helped), Youtube has helped and the Anatomy Coloring book helps as well.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,381 Posts
One thing is if you have a test that doesn't go well do not give up. I view tests as essentially gauges of how you are learning and if your methods are effective. Say you get a 70% on a test. Some people will say "I am stupid and can't do this". Not good. Try "the way I studied was not as effective as I need so I will make changes". Good luck!
58 Posts
Hey we're the same age and I'm also a special needs mom, I'm doin pre requisites - my advice is if it's been a long time don't take two sciences in the same semester and if you need to do a math class make sure you do it before taking on chemistry it wil help you a lot. I'm not doing anything online. So far it's not impossible but it's enough work that my house is a mess right now with midterms approaching and it won't be fully tidied until after midterms next week í ½í¸³