Baby on the way! Applying for jobs


I just recently moved for my husbands job. In turn the day after we moved I found out I was pregnant. Any of you had problems finding jobs while pregnant? I'm nervous no one will hire me or the only offers will be extremely stressful or long hours considering I'm a semi high risk pregnancy due to heart problems. Just trying to see if this is as hopeless as it seems : /

Specializes in Emergency Department; Neonatal ICU.

Congratulations! Is this your first baby? My main concern is for your health. If you are semi high risk, and if you can afford it, why not wait until after the baby is born? That way you won't put the stress on yourself of learning a new job, etc. Just a thought. Or, can you apply for PRN positions?

If not, just apply and interview. If you are very early in the pregnancy, I wouldn't say anything.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Congratulations. Thread moved for best response

Thank you. Yes it is my first baby! I am still very early only 8 weeks!! I interviewed today for PRN just to keep my mind busy a little during my pregnancy. I however didn't tell them I was pregnant. I got cleared from my cardiologist and everything is looking good so far minus the morning sickness :(

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