Baby and school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello! I am planning on starting school for nursing this upcoming year. I have no college experience and thus will be starting from scratch. My husband I have one son in school already and we're talking about having another baby.

So, my question to you all is this... Is it unrealistic to plan on having a newborn, a five year old, and pursue college full time? Also, fortunately I won't have to worry about working as my husband's job can provide for us in the meantime.

Thanks in advance for any insight

I had my first at 17 and second at 18, graduated with my first degree (BA in non-nursing field) at 21 with magna cum laude honors. I taught for a year, had another baby, then started an ABSN program this fall and have A's in every class but one heading into finals (shooting to raise that B to an A as well but it will be close). My children are now 7, 5 (almost 6) and 18m. I am also pregnant with #4 and will have this one in April, smack-dab in the middle of the semester. Also, hubs is a 3rd year medical student. We are both 24 years old.

Gurrrl, you can totally do it.

Forgot to add that I started my pre-reqs when baby #3 was about 6m, but was in college classes and working towards my degree at that point for babies #1 and 2. Newborns are easy as pie as long as you can get handle feeding at night. Just head to bed a bit earlier and then work on flashcards or something while doing night feedings. You just have to make the most of your time.

WOW I feel so encouraged, Thank you!



Individuals will vary but it's doable. Have Faith, plan ahead, research, make wise choices, stay connected and join the "stretch the dollar" to the fullest club.

I know it sounds cliche, but you can do anything you put your mind to! It's true. It may be hard and you may want to pull your hair out sometimes, but if it's what you want, go for it.

It's definitely possible to have a baby in nursing school and still succeed, too. Actually, a coworker of mine was telling me just the other day that her sister started her BSN program with a 1 year old and graduated with a 5 year old and a 3 month old. This girl was a single mom, too, so having your husband makes a world of difference.

I wish you luck!

Yes it is. I am currently going through the same situation right now. I am 22 and i live with my family and I have an almost 3 year old. I am currently finishing my pre requisites to apply for nursing school. It looks like you have great support, so do I. Trust me you will do great in school. GO FOR IT.

You can absolutely do it!

I started from scratch with prerequisites at age 28 with a three month old baby and had a 4.0 GPA going into nursing school. I am graduating nursing school this week (my last final is tomorrow) and while I won't say it was easy, it is doable.

I noticed a lot of people said to wait until after graduating to have another baby but I don't know if that is necessarily true. I am graduating with a girl who just had a baby on Friday (her second child) and showed up for a Kaplan test today. I was thoroughly impressed with her all semester she was on top of everything, even finished her finals a week early. Frankly I would have been in the same boat, if things had worked out yet (I have been trying to get pregnant since the summer).

Only you know what you are capable of, but I have seen it done and I bet you could do it to!

Is it possible? Yes. Would I pick that route? No way. I have the kids...I'm completing my education but wow, it would be so much easier if the kids came later lol I'm also one of those who are sick throughout the whole pregnancy , puking, fatigued etc., I took 2 easy classes with my last pregnancy and my grades suffered because how sick I was.... then a newborn? Feedings around the clock, sleepless nights, holding and entertaining an infant who needs constant entertainment, cat naps ...

I wouldn't wish pregnancy, little kids, and nursing school (all on once) on my worst enemy.

But that is just me :)

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