Baby positioning. What do you use?

Specialties NICU


Hi. I found a topic about this on the forum, but it was old and closed, so I couldn't post a comment there. That's why I am creating a new one.

Could you share what do you use for baby positioning? I don't mean blanket rolls, I am talking about specially designed for that stuff. The reason I'm asking is that recently we've started using this sundance neonatal positioner and I am amazed! This thing is really great for head shaping, neck support or as prone roll. Here is what I'm talking about: Neonatal Utility Positioner by Sundance

So, first of all, I wanted to share my excitement about this positioner. We all love it and the babies too. They seem to feel so comfy.

And also I was wondering, do you maybe know other things similar to this one?


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

I don't care for z-flo unless it is the smaller ones we can use around the babies. Our radiologists make us remove them for X-rays ( we never place the films directly under our kids, we use the trays). I like frogs and good old

Fashioned nests.

Specializes in Developmental Care.

I love the positioner, but it is frequently not used correctly. A lot of nurses use it as an alternate mattress rather than a positioner. When it's used correctly it's great. Our unit unfortunately doesn't have them, but we use the prone positioner and frogs from Childrens Medical Ventures.

Specializes in NICU.

We use Z-flows in all sorts of sizes, but that's really it! We have disposable cuddle-ups, and I've never seen those bendy bumpers or frogs that some of the other posters shared. Usually we just hand roll blankets for nests and stick a cuddle-up in the middle for the really little kiddos. We tend to use Z-flows more as pillows/supports for our bigger chronic kids who have head shaping needs and strong turn preferences, but we do use them on the itty bitties too.

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