Published Jan 21, 2008
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
this was sent to me by one of our state legislators here in nh and she sent it to what appears to be most of the other legislators as well. hoping that means soon we will see legislation introduced to help!
also in the email it said for every time this is viewed, the band five for fighting will donate $0.49 and that they are aiming for 10,000 hits. funding goes to research studies to help find a cure.
1,429 Posts
Wow, thank you for sharing this!
300 Posts
*wiping tears from my eyes*
My nephew is autistic, and it's frustrating the hoops you have to jump through to get even a minimal amount of help. I'm forwarding this on to everyone I know, and I hope others do too.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
this website was in a recent nursing journal too. Forget which one as I get several and they all come at once.
67 Posts
I have a son with ASD. Please demand that your congressperson support insurance parity bills which are pending in many states. Currently many of we working parents with insurance cannot afford to pay for the therapies that our children need. For example, my medical insurance company classifies autism as a mental illness...idiots! And as such, they will not pay for ABA, OT and so on, because "the need of service is not a result of an illness or injury". Sometimes I wonder why I work. There is no help in my area for a working family with an autistic child, he would get help if we were on welfare, Medicaid pays for therapy. Something is very wrong here...