Published Dec 12, 2010
1 Post
Hello, I would appreciated if anyone could help me in any way.
Im an Australian Nurse working currently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (a highly not recommended place to work). My husband is also a Nurse. We are extremely interested in moving to the USA to work and live there. We will be finishing our contract soon here and heading to Australia to start the process. I am wanting to know if anyone knows the extra subjects that aussie nurses are required to complete before applying for NCLEX etc. We have heard different topics from, peadiatrics, obstetrics and psych. It is hard to find this on the internet. I have emailed several placed in the USA and still haven't received any information. I have also aked agencies back home and still waiting for an answer. I would really appreciate any info people may have about it.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Clinical and theory hours are required on your transcripts in Paeds, Mental Health, Obstetrics and general adult. Hours vary from state to state so may be worth checking with the state you plan on living and working
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
What you need to make up depends entirely on what you took to start with - for example, I didn't think I would, but I actually already had sufficient clinical and theory hours in all areas from my BN @ Deakin. Read the CGFNS book with regard to how to apply for the full course by course CES - worth getting as most states require it and it will tell you straight off what you need.