Attention NYSNA RNs......

Nurses General Nursing



Attention All NYSNA RNs!

The New York City Central Labor Council has invited NYSNA and its members to march in this year's Labor Day Parade on September 8, 2001. Come March in the Labor Day Parade, Be Welcomed into the AFL-CIO and Celebrate NYSNA's 100th Birthday!

We need a big contingent to show that we are proud to join the house of labor and that we are committed to improving nurses' working conditions and to work for better patient care. So join us with your colleagues from everywhere in the New York metropolitan area and have a fun day!

Bring your family and friends! There will be balloons for the kids.

Enjoy the NYSNA presentation with its colorful decorations and nurses in uniforms past and present.

Be there on Saturday, September 8th (the Saturday after Labor Day) at 11:30am on 45th Street at the corner of 5th Avenue.


Do you ever just go to a party & have a good time once in a while, w?

Its a PARADE down 5th Avenue - on Labor Day. Its not brainwashing. Its F U N and an end-of-summer festivity.

And yes, the invitation to participate in the Parade (not just watch it) WAS to those nurses who DO belong to that union.... and their families.


Individual efforts have indeed been ineffective over all. Thats why employers have all the power in states like where you work. Only when COLLECTIVE efforts have been undertaken is when any real results have been achieved.

Gee, is that a complaint? lol. If I hadnt been seeing posts of yours all over the place complaining about how weak, passive, female nurses never do anything to stand up for themselves and their rights, I might have just now thought that you are complaining because I give nurses info on how other nurses DO stand up for themselves and their rights.

Havent you been complaining about all the nurses who run off to "hide their heads in the sand" & do nothing to take control of their own workplace situations?

Are you now complaining because I am one nurse who does do something... and I talk about it & encourage other nurses to take action as well..... and I offer info, facts, & sources on proven, effective avenues thru which they can do that, if they so choose?


Havent you been promoting nurses taking action together & speaking with one voice to be a force to be reckoned with? So how do we do that without "recruiting" nurses to be pro-active and recruiting nurse activists? Shouldnt we all be "recruiting" and getting other nurses to take their heads out of the sand?

So which is it - do we reprimand nurses for being complacent, uninvolved, and allowing the situation to persist, or do we reprimand the nurse activists who are trying to raise awareness and maybe click something on in the others to become involved? I'm told by many nurses that my "recruiting" has been very helpful to a lot of them, even if only for the sake of awareness and information. So Im glad youre already to used to seeing it because theres more where that came from! :p

If youre going to take women to task for not taking a stand, and then also take other women to task who do take a stand, you might lose credibility thru the contradictions.

Anyway, thanks for the tip about Madri Gras, but the South is not a place for me. The most Southern parade I'll ever see is the one I saw on Main Street in Disney World.


my wife and I are moving to NYC in about six months and she has me getting copies of union contracts before we move. She is a seven year NICU vetran and won't even consider working anywhere without a contract. I found SEIU's on line but cannot get anything for NYSNA, and the office does not return my calls. Is the contracts on line anywhere? Does she need to join and pay dues now to get it? (the nysna website seems to have a members only section with contracts). She really wants to see wage scales and such before even applying to a hospital. Her email is: [email protected]

my wife and I are moving to NYC in about six months and she has me getting copies of union contracts before we move. She is a seven year NICU vetran and won't even consider working anywhere without a contract. I found SEIU's on line but cannot get anything for NYSNA, and the office does not return my calls. Is the contracts on line anywhere? Does she need to join and pay dues now to get it? (the nysna website seems to have a members only section with contracts). She really wants to see wage scales and such before even applying to a hospital. Her email is: [email protected]

If I were you, I'd post a new thread on the New York Nurses board instead of resurrecting this obsolete one!

I'm pretty sure posting email addresses is not allowed here, but I could be mistaken. You can ask people to reply to you in a private message on allnurses, however :)

Good luck!

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