I had a patient who had a very low heart rate, between 37 and 45. Heart rate hung around the 40's most of the day. His blood pressure however, was about 160-190 systolic. We fixed the heart rate and blood pressure by the end of the shift, with a mix of HD, hydralazine, and enalapril. He was also on a versed drip for agitation, and it helped the BP.
Anyway, my question is when do you give atropine? I know it is given for low heart rate but how low is low? I thought my pt's heart rate warranted some atropine, but I was told to hold off if he maintained his blood pressure, which he did so I never got o give it. Does that mean that atropine should be given if the patient is symptomatic and his/her VS are deviating from the baseline? This patient was sedated and very unresponsive, would the BP be the only thing to guide me?
His HR really worried me, I did sternal rub a couple of times and it helped fix the HR for a little bit. One of the MD's suggested it may have somnething to do with cerebral edema (we went for CT scan, no results by end of shift. Pupils reactive). I was too busy to sit with him and pick his brains, anyone care to explain?
All answers are more than welcome, thank you in advance.