Atrial Fibrillation Case Study research help needed


Specializes in Cardiac.


I have a case study paper that I have to do on Atrial fibrillation. I was wondering if anyone knew of nursing magazines, journal and web sites that could help me with my paper? I am freaking out because I struggle to write papers.... Any help would be appreciated! :-) :)

Here are the rules I have to follow:

I have to use at least 4 references

In addition, at least two nursing articles that relate to your case study topic. Each nursing article has to be 3+ pages, have at least one author, and be from a nursing magazine from 2000 to present.

Here is what I have to cover in my paper:

Ø What assessments will be needed to properly care for the patient in the

Case situation? Give the rationale for wanting these assessments?

Ø What are the major health risks for the patient/family in this Case situation?

Ø What age related or cultural issues might be a concern for this Case situation?

Ø What medications (& purpose) will typically be used in this Case situation?

Ø What alternative medical therapy might the patient be using that could positively or negatively impact the care in the Case situation? Make your selection from the

suggestions given in Chapter 4 in Ignatavicious & Workman. In a paragraph

explain the benefits (or risks) of a specific alternative therapy for this case situation. (One of the articles can be about your choice of alternative therapy if the article meets the above criteria.)

Ø What Labs or diagnostic tests might be ordered by the physician? Why?

Ø What teaching is needed and who should be taught? Is there an appropriate website?

Ø List the nursing interventions in the order you would do them for a patient in the Case situation. Describe one intervention as caring for the person's spirit.

List the Nursing Diagnoses for this Case situation, using NANDA terminology.


Dedra :-)


I know this paper seems overwhelming to write. Your instructors/professors have laid that paper out for you. They are telling you exactly what they want in the paper.

The first thing I would do is..take a deep breath!!

I am sure you have access to a medical library, right? Access to PubMed? Your school should have resources for you.

Finding the articles are's just finding the right ones that will apply to your paper.

Since you are overwhelmed..I would suggest to you.. answer all the questions that your instructors want answered. Then, create your paper from there.

If you have any particular questions...once you get started and start researching..and you get stuck on something, we can help you or explain things better for you. We (nurses from allnurses want to see that you have tried *first* before you ask for help. :)

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Don't panic. Ask a librarian at your school for assistance in finding nursing articles related to atrial fib. I can't remember the name of the index that lists the nursing articles, but you need to start there. Then have the librarian show you how to pull the articles you want to see. Xerox off the ones you like so you can mark 'em up at home when you read them. Between the American Journal of Nursing, Nursing 2000 to 2005 and RN Magazine you should be able to find 4 references easily. The problem with the other specialty nursing journals is that they tend to lean more toward nursing research and those articles are a bit difficult to read and won't give you as much of the basic information that you really need for this assignment. Another tip is when you look at some of these articles, check out the references or bibliography at the end of them. They sometimes list some very interesting references that you might want to look at as well.

You should also get your hands on a human anatomy and physiology textbook, a pathophysiology nursing textbook as well as a diagnostic lab supplemental book. The library or your nursing lab at school might have these on hand.

This project sounds like you are being asked to write about the disease process, how it is diagnosed and treated and then create a generalized care plan (that's what the nursing actions and the NANDA diagnosis pretty much add up to). Perhaps rn-writer, one of the regular posters on the forum, will respond to your post and can give you some more advice.

Specializes in Cardiac.

Thanks for magazine names! That helps me greatly just to know those! :)

I know I am just stressing....But paper writing is a struggle for me. The reasearch part I am fine with. I just get writers block and never know just what to say and how to make it wordy so I can get in enough pages.


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