
Nursing Students General Students


HI Everyone

Do someone know about this test and how you can study for it?

I don't know if it is an ASSET and a COMPASS test or all just one test. All i know is that it is a 3 part test.

Can anyone tell anything about this test?


Specializes in L&D/MB/High-risk antepartum; Hospice.

At my school, the Asset is used to place all students in their english and math classes. The Compass is used as part of the ranking system for addmitting students into the nursing (and several other) selective admission programs. You can go to there are some practice questions there that are similar to those on both tests. I had no problems with either one of the tests, as long as you read carefully they are simple.

Originally posted by MOONIELOVE

HI Everyone

Do someone know about this test and how you can study for it?

I don't know if it is an ASSET and a COMPASS test or all just one test. All i know is that it is a 3 part test.

Can anyone tell anything about this test?


Best not to try to study except or unless they give you a sampler that shows the type of math questions and the a sample of reading comprehension just to get an idea. These are just general knowledge tests to test your current skills level and see if you are ready to be in college level study courses.

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