ASN TO BSN, Need help with paper.

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I am writing a paper on genetics. The case study involves a couple that just found out through pre-natal testing that their baby has Tay-Sachs. The first task is to identify 3-5 members of an interdisciplinary team from whom I can obtain information for the couple's first visit. Yes the tasks are vague. I'm lost really. I mean, who would they be talking to besides the high risk OB and a genetic counsler? In the scenario, I am the case manager. Thanks for any help. Obviously my mind is just not open to completing this paper. :uhoh3:

So far, this has been the hardest paper for me to complete. It has taken me six weeks to complete because I would get a migraine from trying to figure out what they wanted. I also go to and possibly won't complete the recommended courses for this semester.

I also have started . Thank you for all the suggestions.:nurse:

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