Asking for LOA to start a new job


Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I think it best to be honest as the truth will come out eventually.

I have a current part time line at a LTC facility.

I am going back to the OR at a hospital-part time. I need to do a full time orientation from Dec till mid January. I do hope to be able to keep my current job at the LTC facility at least on a casual basis. So should I ask for a LOA? Do I tell them why? I also want to hold onto my current job just in case I don't like the OR at this hospital. Then I could come back to this job.

Is this a good idea? How do I approach my current boss (who is very moody)?

Specializes in home health, dialysis, others.

Ask for the LOA. But be honest about why. Will the other job be part-time? Tell the current people you will work both places once orientation is completed. By then you will know if that will be possible.

Ask for the LOA. But be honest about why. Will the other job be part-time? Tell the current people you will work both places once orientation is completed. By then you will know if that will be possible.

Yes the other job is part time too.

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