Published Dec 10, 2015
4 Posts
Hi fellow nurses. I just joined today so pardon if I used the wrong section or indirect topic. Feel free to let me know for I plan on being a permanent member. Okay so that being said, here comes my question(s). I am currently a LPN, licensed Phlebotomist, and currently taking an IV course. I live in Miami. (I know this might be a lot of personal info. on a website but my question needs the details). I found myself in a cross way due to continuing my education. I recently got accepted to NCNM in Oregon as well as UM for the RN/BSN transitional program. (Sorry for all the I). I (again) find natural approach beautiful being a fan of Hippocrates and all. After the research I have done, it seems that NMDs are not respected and their work place is not assured (for salary wise). I say this because I do not come from a well off family so unfortunately I do need a well paying job( fro 60-70k annually). The research I did on NCNM makes me want to go and see their Doctor of Natural Medicine or their Doctor of Science in Oriental Medicine.
Now, my family is trying to orient me towards finishing my RN/BSN and doing NCNM later, however, time i very valuable to me. My initial plan was to become a DNP and work as a family ARNP. My perspective has now changed after being accepted to NCNM.
To sum this mess up, according to job security, salary, and title, should I finish my BSN and just continue to ARNP? Or should I move to Oregon and continue working as a LPN and go to NCNM to become a NMD?
I really appreciate all the advice and suggestions in advice and I'm glad to be part of this nursing comity. Thank you in advance!
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
I have thoughts of pursuing naturopathy also on the west coast there are more opportunities.....but my salary exceeds what you mentioned, but that is only after four decade experience
verene, MSN
1,790 Posts
Well according to NCNM all of their graduate programs (of which ND and DOS are part of) require a bachelor's degree first - so I think finishing your BSN should probably be your priority regardless of whether you chose ARNP or ND/DOS to further your education beyond that (assuming you don't already have a bachelor's degree in another field?).
1,871 Posts
My sister sees a naturopath here is WA for her arthritis and I believe there is a place for them. However, for job security I would stick with APRN. Most if not all ND I have met are independent or in a private conglomerate practice with PTs/chiros.
I wouldn't say NDs are not respected, but when it comes to medicine, their opinion is kind of shrugged off by most providers I have met. That doesn't mean they don't have a solid foundation in some of the major sciences though...
The PNW is definitely a place where NDs thrive.
Thank you all for the feedback. After a lot of thinking time I have decided to do my prerequisites and continue to my RN and on to my BSN. I was going to transfer to NCNM to get my Bachelor's in Nutrition and then transfer over to the NMD program but I have decided to get my Bachelor's in nursing at my home town to save money. Also, I know this is off topic but how is the job market as of now for RN's in the field? I currently live in Miami and I know a few newly graduated RNs that are having a difficult time finding jobs. However, I have noticed that there are a lot more LPNs being hired. Any links to future predictions for nurses? Particularly BSN/RN. Thank you again