Published Feb 14, 2017
47 Posts
Hi! I just wanted to see if anyone knew any good hospitals that hire new grads in the Phoenix area? My residency is in the ED at HonorHealth Deer Valley, but I'm not sure if they hire new grads.
2 Posts
Look to and search new grad, when there's a posting it will show up.
Lauraingalls, BSN, RN
169 Posts
Banner Hospitals hire new grads
1,761 Posts
Just about every hospital in AZ hires new grads. You just have to actually search the job site for new grad positions.
90 Posts
I am a new grad. I started applying before I graduated in May, I have my license now, I've put in so many applications and have had 0 call backs. Looking for any tips to help land a job!
Hi! I graduated at the end of April and passed my boards in the beginning of June! I reecently got an offer from Abrazo! Abrazo has a new gad academy. I went to GCU on the St. Joe's campus so we had "first pick" with new grad jobs and they promised us jobs. The only people that got jobs at St. Joe's was the nurse externs that were already Dignity employees! Sooooo I encourage you to apply to all of the hospitals. Honorhealth called me for an interview but the start date wasn't until the end of September, but I had my residency there in the ED. Banner has a new grad program!