Published Jan 26, 2007
164 Posts
A malpractice insurance agency? If so, can you elaborate what your job duties are - or - a "typical" day?
I am back in school for an MBA because I am very tired of the bedside and trying to find something that would utilize both the skills as a nurse and the business education. I plan on graduating this June :)
I really don't want to be the "boss" aka manager in a facility managing employees... Just looking to integrate these skills into something else.
Any feed back would be much appreciated.
Okay, perhaps my question is vague. I know it is getting views, but not responses.
More specifically, do any of you work for an insurance company as a risk manager or for a malpractice insurance company as a risk manager? If so, what are the expectations? What are the daily rigors of the position?
If any of you know anyone that does this for a living, could you have them post some feedback? I'm just wondering what "can of worms" (If any) I will be opening up embarking on a position such as this.
I would sincerely appreciate as much feedback as possible. The good, the bad, the ugly.
Ginger :)
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Hello, Ginger,
I moved your thread (per your request) to the General Nursing Discussion forum. Hope you get some responses now.
435 Posts
Maybe everyone went running when they saw the word malpractice.:roll
Just kidding!
You are probably right. What was I thinking (initially)?:chuckle
Sincerely, though - I just would like some sort of realistic idea of the "pros" and "cons" of working in a position such as this.
Perhaps, setting up some job "shadowing" is in order.- If this company allows it. I donnknow...
1,046 Posts
I just spoke with a woman Friday who works for an attorney, if that is what your talking about. She seemed to really enjoy her career. Said that her main job is screening out callers. Said she gets about 50 calls a week from people claiming malpractice, but only takes on about 4 of the cases. She also does a lot of the chart audits. I don't know, I couldn't do it.:smilecoffeecup: