Are we stuck here????


Hi, I am a new grad RN.. during school I landed an externship over the summer in the OR and I really enjoyed my experience there. I graduated last may, and I could of stayed at that hospital in the OR but I chose not to because I thought I should try the floor first thinking I would be missing out on something, like losing my nursing skills since you don't get to really hand out meds in the OR. Right now, I work on a heavy orthopedic spinal unit and I'm miserable. From day one, all my mind has been thinking about is waiting for the day to go back to the OR. I recently got a job at another hospital in their OR residency program, they will be training me to scrub and circulate on top of that I will be in the classroom learning. But I am confused, many people are telling me to finish up my year on the floor then go because it looks bad to leave within 6 months, and others are telling me to go for this great opportunity. I am also worried..what if I go to the OR then after 6 months I don't like it. Should I stick it out with the floor, or should I go for the OR?

I'm in the camp that thinks a year of floor experience is really good for an OR nurse to have before coming to the OR. However, if you have six months under your belt, did an externship in the OR while in school which you liked, and have the opportunity to get into a program with a good didactic program that teaches you to scrub and circ. If I were in your situation I'd go for the OR job and leave the floor.

As far as leaving a job after 6 months on the floor being a bad reflection for employment in the future, I don't really thnk it will matter. But if you then leave the OR training program without giving back at least a couple of years, then if I were on the hiring end of things I would have misgivings about your comittment. But from what I hear you saying I think going into the OR is a pretty safe bet.

Didn't you say that you were miserable on the floor?

I'd say - get the job you love and never work again.

I will agree that 6 mos of m/s is quite enough.

God bless.

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

I don't believe anyone should have to work in an area where they are truly unhappy. If you really hate where you are then maybe a change of environment will be good for you. It is an advantage having ward/floor skills in the OR and i'm glad i did my 9 months on the floor. But you mentioned you worked in a heavy ortho unit so I assume you have manual handling experience which will help you in the OR.

Specializes in Trauma, Education.

I lasted 6 weeks on the floor and will most likely never go back. I guess the disadvantage is that there are always fewer OR jobs than med surg jobs, but I LOVE what I do. Have been there for 2 years now...go for it!!


Specializes in Operating Room.

If anyone is working Med-Surg and hating it because you really want to be in the OR, please do not be my nurse! I'd rather someone be where she/he wants to be! (Please don't take this wrong.) :)

I'm going into the OR as a new grad. I may change my mind after going straight to the OR, but that is how I feel right now.

Go for it, and good luck!

If you go back years later, there's always an internship, or a refresher course you could look into.

Specializes in OR.

I graduated last May and worked from June till Nov on a Neuro med/surg floor before leaving and going to work in the OR. I have been in the OR 4 1/2 months and I dont know if I am happier or not. I dont work as hard but I dont know what I am doing completely yet either. EVERYONE tells me it takes a "good" year before you are comfortable in the OR or longer...there are some there 2 and 3 yrs that still say they are learning daily. I am not sure if I made the right decision but its made and I am ok with that for now. But yeah, skills are quickly leaving that I learned on the floor...we dont give meds to the patients, but I have to have the correct meds on the field. We dont get to do IVs, but we do alot of foley's.

I dont know about going 'back' after the OR....I will pose that question here and in general.... thats a good question.

Go to the OR that is clearly where you belong at this time.

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.

Go to the OR!!! I would jump at the residency program. Why prolong being miserable another 6 months?

Jeez.....I should follow my own advice....:rolleyes:

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