Are there Rn jobs in Edmonton/Calgary? 2016


Hie all,

I am an RN who graduated last year in Edmonton and moved earlier this year to Saskatchewan for a full time permanent job.Prior to moving I was working in Edmonton in a casual position (Medicine float pool).I had applied for full time positions there, but was not able to land a position. Therefore,I applied in Saskatchewan and in a matter of a few weeks landed a position there.Although it is not my dream job I find I am able to pay off my student debt faster this way.However, I have been considering moving back to Alberta in either Calgary or Edmonton next year in about 6 months.I would like to find out from those of you who are there how the job market is there for RNS and how quickly one can find a job there especially full time or permanent positions? would it be worth moving back in the near future.Thank you I appreciate your feedback!

Thank you for your responses nurses in Alberta

I am still in small town Saskatchewan working in a Full-time Permanent position on a Medicine- Palliative unit.I am still considering moving back to Edmonton but after reading all the comments I am just worried about job security if I were to do so especially as I have no speciality in nursing at this time. Also most of my former classmates are in temporary lines although they are still working.Would you happen to have any slight information about how the situation will be over the next couple of months with AHS? Are they still going to be posting positions without hiring? How secure would my job be if I say applied and wanted to start a temporary line by the end of summer this year? Thanks!

Thanks for your reply 'thistooshallpass', are you still working in a temporary line and how are jobs looking so far for Rn's on your unit/ward or hospital? Thank you!


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

It's impossible to predict what will happen here. The collective agreement between AHS and the United Nurses of Alberta expires at the end of next month, but the two sides haven't exchanged proposals yet and won't be until early April. This is a departure from past experience; in-going proposals have usually been exchanged by now, and some preliminary posturing taken place. Other health care unions have been without a contract for years; AUPE went to mediation and will be taking part in interest arbitration later this month. Meanwhile UNA has an agreement-in-principle with AHS that there will be no layoffs. All that means is that when people in temporary positions hit the expiry date of their letter of hire, their positions will not be refilled. There is no promise to ensure adequate staffing, no promise to fill current vacancies, no promises of anything. With governments at all levels drowning in red ink, that's not likely to improve. All you can really do is apply on every job you see posted and hope for the best.

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